Community Server Rules
Our full set of rules for Eeveebot Support
1. Follow Discord's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.
This is a catch-all rule. We base our rules on these guidelines.
1.1. You must be at least 18 years old to be on the server
To safeguard minors, individuals suspected or found to be under the age of 18 will be banned. Additionally, you must go through a verification process to prove to be the age of 18 or older to access member's NSFW content and talk about NSFW. (Read more.)
1.2. Don't glorify, promote, or normalize suicide or any other acts of physical self-harm
This includes content that encourages others to cut, burn, or starve themselves, as well as content that normalizes eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia. Self-harm acts or threats used as a form of emotional manipulation or coercion are also prohibited.
See Discord Suicide and Self-Harm Policy Explainer for more.
2. No NSFW Content / CP / Gore / Animal Cruelty
2.1. Don't send or talk about NSFW content in non-verified areas
Discord requires all sexually explicit content to be age-restricted and hidden from users under the age of 18. If you say you are younger, you will be banned. This includes joking about your age. We define sexually explicit content as any content that presents genitalia, female nipples, the anus, or sexual activity without censoring or obscuring it. Sexually suggestive content is any content that may evoke sexual arousal without being overt in description or depiction of genitalia, female nipples, the anus, or sexual activity. Users who post sexually explicit content in non-verified areas are permanently banned from the server. (This includes NSFW in avatars, banners, bios or other spaces that cannot be age-restricted.)
See Discord's Sexual Content Policy Explainer for more.
2.2. Don’t send or talk about CP / Child Sexualization
Content that sexualizes children has no place on Discord or in society. We don't tolerate any kind of text or media — real or generated — on our server that portrays children in a sexual manner. This type of content causes serious harm to victims.
We consider Off-Platform Behaviors when reviewing content under this policy due to the high-harm nature of the offense.
We report illegal child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and grooming to Discord who may report it to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Users who post this content are permanently banned from the server.
See Discord's Teen and Child Safety Policy Explainer for more.
2.3. Don't send or talk about Non-Consensual Sexual Content
We take a firm stance against the sharing, distribution, taking, or creation of sexually explicit or sexually suggestive content of other people without their knowledge or consent.
The term non-consensual sharing or distribution of adult intimate media means sharing intimate or sexually explicit content without the person's knowledge or consent, whether it's with a group or one person.
See Discord's Non-Consensual Adult Intimate Media Policy Explainer for more.
2.4. Don’t send or talk about Graphic Violence / Gore
We do not allow the uploading or sharing of any material depicting real violence, gore, or animal cruelty. Violent and graphic media can include various forms of content, such as portraying death or injury, showing detailed physical harm happening to individuals, or depicting the infliction of pain, fear, or distress to animals.
See Discord's Violence and Graphic Content Policy Explainer for more.
2.5. Don't send or talk about Dangerous and Regulated Goods
We prioritizes safety and preventing harm on our server. Therefore, we do not allow anyone to buy, sell, trade, or discuss any potentially dangerous or regulated goods. Dangerous or regulated goods include but are not limited to: firearms; explosives; tactical gear; imitation firearms; illicit drugs; and marijuana.
We consider a good to be “dangerous” if it has reasonable potential to cause or assist in causing real-world, physical harm to individuals, and “regulated” if there are laws in place that restrict the purchase, sale, trade, or ownership of the good.
Discussion of alcohol and tobacco is permitted, given that all members are adults in the server. However, the discussion must comply with local laws and must not promote illegal activities or violate other server rules.
See Discord's Dangerous and Regulated Goods Policy Explainer for more.
There is a list of Banned Words at the bottom of this document.
3. Be Respectful to All Members
3.1. Don't engage in Hate Speech
Our server and Discord in general is a place where people come to hang out with friends. As part of our goal to promote acceptance and inclusivity, we prohibit hate speech, discrimination, and prejudice.
We don’t allow hateful conduct or the use of hate speech while on our server. This includes the use of hate symbols and the denial of historical mass atrocities. We define hate speech to include any expression that degrades, vilifies, or dehumanizes individuals, incites intense feelings of hostility towards defined groups, or promotes harm based on protected characteristics.
Protected characteristics includes various aspects, such as age; caste; color; disability; ethnicity; family responsibilities; gender; gender identity; housing status; national origin; race; refugee or immigration status; religious affiliation; serious illness; sex; sexual orientation; socioeconomic class and status; source of income; status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking; as well as weight and size.
However, we understand that there are nuances and will give exceptions in instances of reclaimed language, satire, educational or documentary purposes. The use of satire must be obvious and we will not allow users to deflect blame retroactively by claiming their statements were made ironically or as a joke.
See Discord's Hateful Conduct Policy Explainer for more.
3.2. Don't share Personal Information / Doxxing
We take a firm stance against doxxing. We do not tolerate anyone putting somebody in danger by leaving them vulnerable to data breaches, targeted harassment, and real-world threats such as physical harm. Doxxing is when someone shares the Personally Identifiable Information, or PII, of another person without their permission and with the intention to cause harm. A dox is the collection of the Personally Identifiable Information of another person.
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) includes any information that could be used to identify an individual, such as a name, home address, social security number, banking information, driver's license number, and any other sensitive data.
See Discord's Doxxing Policy Explainer for more.
3.3. Don’t troll, be toxic, cause arguments, or be rude to members
It’s impossible to list every single way someone could break this rule but if we catch you trying to be an edgelord, you will be punished.
If you want to talk about sensitive topics with someone, please take it to DMs.
3.4. Don't talk about Politics
This server is about having fun and relaxing. To avoid potential conflicts and maintain a positive environment, political discussions or opinions are not allowed as they often lead to arguments. Instead, feel free to share hobbies, interests, or fun discussions that everyone can enjoy!
4. Don’t Spam / Be Annoying
4.1. Don’t Spam Chat
Spamming reactions, messages, emotes, walls of text, zalgo text, newlines, and pings in chat is prohibited.
Do not use spoilers to pretend to bypass automod.
Spamming new posts in forum channels, or spamming tickets is prohibited.
4.2. Don’t Be Annoying
If someone is asking you to stop, or you are getting on people’s nerves, please respect their boundaries and shut up. The last thing we want to do is come home from work or school and deal with an annoying little runt.
If you are asking everyone to shut-up, you are the annoying one. Read the room.
5. English Only on this Server
Since our moderation systems and team rely mainly on English, we ask all users to use English. If you cannot speak English, please use Google Translate or perhaps find a server that will accompany you better.
6. No malicious content
6.1. Don’t use Discord to scam or send malware / viruses
If you are found to be doing this inside and even outside the server, you will be permanently banned.
6.2. No fake virus videos
Videos that trip someone’s antivirus are annoying. Please don’t send them.
6.3. No Grabify / IP grabbing links or sending someone’s IP
Any link that is sent intentionally to record IP addresses will result in punishment. This also includes hosting your own website and asking “who’s” while sending someone’s IP.
6.4. Don't share Phobia-Triggering Content
Do not share content that can trigger common phobias. This includes but is not limited to images, videos, or links related to:
Spiders (arachnophobia)
Clowns (coulrophobia)
Heights (acrophobia)
Small spaces (claustrophobia)
Snakes (ophidiophobia)
Insects (entomophobia)
If you are unsure whether certain content might trigger phobias, please seek approval from the moderation team before sharing, or simply don't share it.
7. Discord Profiles
7.1. Your name must be pingable on a U.S English keyboard
This is so staff can quickly moderate members.
7.2. No Alternate Accounts (Alts)
Creating or using alternate accounts (alts) is strictly prohibited. The use of multiple accounts by the same individual undermines the effectiveness of bans and disciplinary actions. Violation of this rule may result in penalties, including permanent account suspension.
7.3. Your Discord Profile must adhere to our rules
So any racist, hate speech, sexist, or malicious content on your profile will result in you being punished.
In most cases, Automod will block member interactions from you, if your profile contains any Banned Words.
8. No Advertising
These rules apply for anyone sending a discord invite, link to their social media, or referral links to a platform.
8.1. Don’t DM advertise
DM advertising is against the ToS so we permanently ban you if you do it. DM advertising includes talking to people for a bit and then asking them to join your server 5 minutes later.
8.2. Don’t Advertise on the server
Sending an invite link, telling people to join your server, intentionally pointing to your status or about me that contains an advertisement is strictly prohibited. We do not allow advertising on this server unless it is in the appropriate channels.
#media for sharing images/videos
If someone asks for your server / social media, please DM it to them.
You cannot change your name to hoist it on the memberlist to try to advertise.
9. Don’t Bypass Automod
Attempting to bypass automod will result in you getting punished for the rule you broke and we will be stricter than usual.
10. Don’t Find Loopholes in the Rules
No rules list is completely cohesive. If you feel like you’ve been treated unfairly by a moderator, please report it to an admin.
If you feel like you’ve been treated unfairly by an admin, DM icedqueen.
If you intentionally are finding loopholes or misreporting abuse to staff, you will be punished accordingly.
Banned Words
The banned word list contains the words that are prohibited on the server, this list may change at any time without an announcement (usually to add in more words).
Variants of the banned words below are also prohibited!
, coon
, hitler
, jiggaboo
, negro
, niger
, nigga
, nigger
Sexism, Homophobia and Transphobia
, bulldyke
, dyke
, fag
, faggot
, fagot
, genderbender
, ladyboy
, tranny
, zhid
, zhyd
Disabilities and Appearance
, deformed
, gimp
, retard
Violence and Threats
kill yourself
, kys
, rape
, raping
, pedo
, pedophile
, zoophile
While words like "kms" or "kys" are allowed within the context of jokes, telling someone specifically to kill themself, joke or not, will result in a ban.
Private information such as E-mail addresses, IP addresses, Credit Card Numbers and Social Security Numbers will also be blocked.
and @here
(These are not allowed as they are often used in spam messages, and are useless for normal members to send as they do not work.)
Banned Sites
This list contains the websites that are prohibited to link to in the server. Similiar to the banned words, this may change at any time without an announcement.
Banned TLDs
These top level domains are banned. This means that you cannot send any URLs that end with these extensions. This is because most of these domains are either free or cheap to register, and as such are frequently used for scams.
, *.ga
, *.gq
, *.ml
, *.nl
, *.nz
, *.ml
, *.tk
You may appeal a ban through this link. Please be adviced that you will NOT be contacted whether or not your appeal gets accepted! Also, never contact a mod about your appeal status. Being able to submit for an appeal is not a right, it is a privilege.
Last updated